I am passionate about providing the best possible Dental Hygiene treatment to patients here at Avenue Dental. I am fortunate to be able to use the EMS Airflow Master and the Guided Biofilm process to educate patients about their Dental health and oral hygiene routine and all our Maroochydore patients enjoy the gentle and comfortable experience Airflow provides. GBT Airflow is minimally invasive, safe, effective, and gentle to teeth and soft tissues, implants and restorations. A real game-changer & new state-of-the-art approach to remove biofilm giving a through whole mouth clean.
Learn moreI am committed to continuing professional development and actively seek out opportunities to advance and keep up to date through further education. Having completed the training and implemented the EMS Airflow system I am currently working with Dr Rita Goulart to integrate the Fotona Laser therapy for treatment of advanced Periodontal Disease. We strive to always give our patients the most comprehensive and up to date care at Avenue Dental Maroochydore.
I am proud to work with an amazing talented and committed team here at Maroochydore Avenue Dental. We work to our strengths for the purpose of providing the best care to our patients. Having 26 year clinical experience it is hugely motivating to continue to grow and learn alongside my colleagues.
I love living on the Sunshine Coast with my family and our gorgeous border collie Rosie it’s a real privilege.
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