Invisalign FAQ’s

At Avenue Dental on the Sunshine Coast and North Brisbane our teams at Caloundra, Kawana, Maroochydore, Bli Bli, North Lakes, Baringa, Sippy Downs, Tewantin, Murrumba Downs, Beerwah and Woolloongabba offer a Free Invisalign Consultation to see if Invisalign is the right option for you. 

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What is Invisalign? 
Invisalign is a system of clear aligners to move and straighten teeth in a discrete and comfortable way. Initially, your teeth will be scanned to create a 3D model which shows the steps to move the teeth into their final position. Each aligner is then printed over a series of stages, moving the teeth gradually with each aligner change.  

What does the initial planning appointment involve? 
A 3D scan will be taken of your teeth and the way that you bite together. Photographs will also be taken of your face and teeth. A full examination prior to starting Invisalign is required to ensure there are no pre-existing dental problems, such as decay or gum disease, that require treatment before starting Invisalign. The information is then used to show a simulation of your teeth at the beginning and end of treatment, which you will be able to discuss with your Avenue Dental clinician.  
What do the aligners look like? 
The Invisalign aligners are practically invisible and made of a thermoplastic material uniquely developed for Invisalign. The aligners look similar to tooth whitening trays but are much more rigid. You may also require ‘attachments’ on the teeth to help them move. Attachments are small pieces of white filling material which blend in well with your teeth.   
How often do I need to wear my aligners? 
Each set of aligners must be worn for 22 hours a day to achieve the desired result. Your Avenue Dental clinician will see you for regular appointments to check the movement of your teeth and discuss any concerns with you.  

How often do I change my aligners? 
Your Avenue Dental clinician will discuss how often to change your aligners, it is usually every 1 to 2 weeks. Each set of aligners, gently and gradually shifts your teeth into place, towards your beautiful new smile. 

How do I get started with Invisalign treatment?
Feel free to give your preferred Avenue Dental location a call to book in for a free 30 minute consultation. During this consultation, your Invisalign-trained Dentist will discuss your smile goals and determine your specific needs. You will also get a clearer idea of how long your treatment may take and your individual treatment costs.  

How long will treatment take? 
The length of treatment depends on multiple factors, like how complex your case is and how often you wear your aligners. Your Avenue Dental clinician will determine exactly how long your treatment could take based on your specific needs, most treatments take from 6-18 months.  

What are attachments and ‘IPR’? 
Attachments are small, tooth-coloured shapes that are bonded to your teeth for the duration of treatment. Teeth have a very smooth surface, so attachments serve as handles, giving the aligners something to gently push on in order to move your teeth.  IPR stands for ‘interproximal reduction’ and creates space to allow your teeth to move. In the past, space was often created by removing a tooth. IPR is a less invasive way of achieving the desired space for your final result. It involves using a small metal strip to remove up to 0.5mm of enamel between teeth. It is painless and does not require a numbing injection. 

How much does Invisalign treatment cost? 
The initial appointment is free and will give a more personalised idea of costs, as each case is different. Aligner treatment can range from $5000-9000 depending on complexity and length of treatment.  

Are there restrictions on what I can eat while on treatment?
No, you can usually eat what you want while in treatment because the Invisalign aligners are removed when eating or drinking. However, remember that aligners must be worn for 22 hours a day, and teeth should be brushed and flossed after eating and before replacing aligners.  

Can I drink hot or cold beverages while wearing my aligners? 
Except for cool water, we recommend that you don’t drink while wearing the aligners. This is to avoid cavities and stains forming on your teeth, or warping your aligners with hot beverages. 

Will wearing the aligners affect my speech? 
Similar to other orthodontic treatments, the Invisalign aligners may temporarily affect the speech of some people for a day or two. However, as your tongue gets used to having aligners in your mouth, any misarticulation or minor speech impediment caused by the aligners should disappear.  

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